IMARA - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

  • NAIST (Nara Institute of Sciences and Technologies – Nara – Japan): IMARA and NAIST are extending their cooperation on research activities regarding ITS communications. In 2012, IMARA received 2 visiting researchers, 1 PhD student, and 1 internship student, deepening cooperative research activities on service discovery, geo-networking, and medium access control for vehicular communications.

  • IMARA and YAMAHA Motors Company (YMC) have signed a NDA for the exchange of information in view of the participation of both parties in the New generation AGV project.

  • IMARA and the South-West Research Institute (SwRI) renewed their collaboration agreement on the collaboration in the design and development of innovative Advanced Driver Assistance System.

Participation In International Programs

IMARA is a partner of ict-PAMM, which is an ICT-ASIA project accepted in 2011 for 2 years. It is funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Inria. The coordinator of the project is Anne Spalanzani from UPMF University and Inria Co-coordinator is Philippe Martinet from Blaise Pascal Institute. This project aims at conducting common research activities in the areas of robotic mobile service and robotic assistance of human in different contexts of human life. From France the partners are: Inria/e-Motion, Inria/IMARA, Institut Blaise Pascal. From Asia, the partners are: ISRC-SKKU - Suwon, (Korea), ITS Lab - Kumamoto (Japan), IRA-Lab (Taiwan), Mica Institute - Hanoi (Vietnam).
